Ok, I had this damn thing all typed out but lost it due to stupidity. Here is the abridged version...maybe the better one.
I saw this dude driving a newer monte last night and a thought came to mind, "Are new Monte's driven by the same people that used to drive them?"
I contemplated using the term white trash, but figured someone would take offense when none is meant. To me white trash is a way of thinking and a blue collar lifestyle (even if the person has a white collar job) as opposed to trash that is white
In the 70's and 80's those who drove the classic monte's were definately blue collar folk (majority speaking, at least here in small town Iowa).
So, here is the experiment:
If you see a newer Monte, look at the driver and apply the following catagories:
75-100% Blue collar - BC (if you are 75% there, then call it good I figure)
.01-74% Partially blue - PB
00% Not blue - NB - more like white collar than white trash
For example, the dude I saw last night was about 85% blue, so I give hime a BC.
BC - 1
PB - 0
NB - 0
Good luck and happy hunting.