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Friday, April 28, 2006


Wow....I still have people checking in on the ol' blog. I have been so out of it, I haven't even been reading my favorites. With track season here my brain has shifted gears. My thoughts are on times and scoring points in meets. It is an obsession. I had been neglecting some papers I needed to correct just to satisfy my track and field fix. My thought is to just give a grade without actually grading it. I know how the majority of them are going to do anyways. But, my better judgement wieghed in, and I spent the time going through each and every question. I have always wanted to try the random toss method. You know, make a huge taget in the center of the room, with corresponding grades for each level of "accuracy". Then you toss the papers into the air and where ever they fall, that's the grade they get. I think I would encounter some grief from some kids if I tried that though.

I have been teaching my TAG students about HTML. We are using the sneak attack method to learning. So far we have used blogger and changed simple things like color and added links. This week we utilized Dynamic Drive and they altered thier mice to do cool things.
So, once they get in and add/change all these things we will be talking about where in the code and what code they used so they can see what HTML is all about.

I am rambling. I think it's because I am bored. My grades are in and our meet was cancled due to rain.

Have a nice weekend.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ah-memba Me?

In case you have all forgoten who I am, I thought I would give you a textual image you can imagine in your heads.

* I am a high school science teacher

* I am one of those guys who feels comfortable in a short sleeve dress shirt with a tie (You know, the dorky math teacher look)

* I only wear ties twice a year to school. The first day and picture day.

* I am one of those guys who wears short athletic socks with my khakis, although they are actually cargo pants. I am short enough, and my pants are long enough, that no one notices.

* I am one of those guys who wears running shoes with his polo, khakis combo. I never thought I would cross this line, but once it has been done, there is no going back.

* I am 32 and still wear my earings.

* I often get asked if I lift (as in weights) but the only lifting I do is in 8, 10 and 12 oz. curls. If I really feel strong, I lift the big boys - 32oz. silos or the really big boys, the quart.

Well, that's all I have time for. I hope you remember good ole Robby.